The inspiration for this painting came during a healing meditation which I gave to a friend. It shows the love of the Guardian Angel, who is a constant companion and loyal friend to us in all joys and sorrows.
The angel is a light. Maybe we can’t see him clearly. But it is good to know about the benevolent force that accompanies us and to whom we can always turn. When we connect with this light in prayer, more grace can flow to us from the spiritual world. Whatever burdens us becomes lighter. We can give a great gift to ourselves and to others with our prayers.
The angel is a light. Maybe we can’t see him clearly. But it is good to know about the benevolent force that accompanies us and to whom we can always turn. When we connect with this light in prayer, more grace can flow to us from the spiritual world. Whatever burdens us becomes lighter. We can give a great gift to ourselves and to others with our prayers.